iSystem Controller

While monitoring tool operation, the Applied iSystem controller collects valuable data that can be used to generate resource consumption reports and greenhouse gas emissions reports among other environmental factors. Each small footprint iSystem controller is capable of supporting up to four tools and is easily installed on both Applied and non-Applied Materials 200mm and 300mm process tools. With more than 3000 tool connections currently installed, manufacturers have reported rapid ROI after using the iSystem controller. 


  • Easy installation in new and existing fabs

  • Configurable at tool or subfab level

  • Fail-safe safety protocol

  • True fab and subfab synchronization

  • Intelligent idle mode

  • Supports Semi E167 and E175 standards for Sleep Mode

  • Subfab data collection, alarm monitoring, notifications and reporting

  • Subfab status visibility from a single monitor

  • Applied E3 and FSS data server support for complete fab/subfab data analysis


  • Reduces energy-related costs by ~20%

  • Connects to process tools in real-time

  • Enables green features with no equipment changes or process re-qualification needed

  • Provides continuous greenhouse gas emissions reporting

  • Enables fab/subfab data integration and overlay

  • Recovers from idle to process state fuel flow in <2 seconds


iSystem Controller