
Upcoming Events

International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology
Toyama, Japan
Date Presentation Presenter Location
September 25, 2024 Implant Application to Meet Advanced Power Device Requirement Wei Zou (David Zou) 3F Main Hall

Strategic Materials Conference
San Jose, California
Date Presentation Presenter Location
October 1, 2024 Semiconductors are the New Oil: Implications for the Industry Dean Ramos TBD
October 2, 2024 Session 5: AI Enabling Faster Semiconductor Materials Innovation Shalini Sharma TBD

Electrochemical Society - PRiME
Honolulu, HI
Date Presentation Presenter Location
TBD Epitaxial Growth and Development of Complimentary Field-Effect Transistors Hinami Arora TBD
TBD TBD Joe Margetis TBD