
June 28, 2022


Heather LeCon


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Make it Earth Day Every Day!


by Heather LeCon

Jun 28, 2022

At Applied Materials, making a positive contribution to the world is at the foundation of our culture and our vision to Make Possible® a Better Future.

Employees bring this vision to life each year through EarthWorks—Applied’s annual campaign to inspire employees around the globe to learn, take action dedicated to environmental sustainability, and explore the natural world around us. We encourage all our employees to “make it Earth Day every day” by continuing sustainable actions throughout the year.

Kicking off the campaign in April, Applied employees across the globe celebrated sustainability (while following local COVID safety protocols). Here are some of the highlights:

U.S. employees connected in person to clean up communities by picking up litter and planting flowers, and aimed to decrease carbon emissions by getting out of their cars and onto their bikes. With a focus on small actions for big impact, they decorated reusable tote bags and learned how to make seed bombs (small clusters of seeds designed to thrive in urban or neglected landscapes). Employees also came together virtually to learn about climate advocacy and the impact of waste on communities of color.


Employees across China focused on sustainable fashion, hosting a number of activities and workshops with nonprofit Shanghai Roots & Shoots to better understand eco-friendly materials and encourage employees to make informed fashion choices.


In India, employees celebrated EarthWorks through several different events, including an activity to create 15,000 seedballs to be released in collaboration with United Way of Bengaluru. Employees also participated in a lake cleanup and volunteered to make paper bags which will be used by street vendors as a replacement for plastic bags.


The team in Israel participated in a recycled wood carpentry workshop, enjoyed vegan and earth-friendly dishes in the campus café, and took part in an urban sustainability tour and herbal workshop in Tel Aviv.


In Japan, employees helped plant trees in Iwanuma, an area badly damaged by the 2011 earthquake and resulting tsunami.


Korean employees hosted a water conservation campaign and shared numerous ways to save water every day. They also focused on water purification, gathering employees to visit local contaminated streams to learn about and participate in water purifying activities.

Employees in Singapore came together to connect with nature by planting trees with the National Parks Board, cleaning up Changi Beach (they removed over 30kg of trash!) and participating in an “Earth Hour” to conserve energy.


In Taiwan, employees volunteered to pack environmental education kits for local elementary students with Jane Goodall Institute Taiwan, gathered for a beach cleanup in Tainan City and learned about biodiversity.


While this year’s EarthWorks campaign has come to a close, our employees are encouraged to continue their sustainability efforts throughout the year, furthering our vision to Make Possible a Better Future.

Get inspired by visiting Applied’s corporate responsibility webpage and follow us on Twitter @Applied4Good to see how we’re engaging in environmental sustainability and other efforts around the globe.

Tags: CSR, EarthWorks, Earth Day, ESG, sustainability, Environment

Heather LeCon

Corporate Communications Specialist


Heather LeCon is a Corporate Communications Specialist who supports strategic internal communications and drives social media at Applied Materials. She contributes to our employee communications app, Applied4You, by driving creative content and providing global program manager training. Heather also manages content creation and publishing for all Applied's corporate social media channels. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations from San Jose State University and started at Applied as a New College Graduate.

Fun fact: She's a world traveler who has visited 10 countries and 13 states. In her free time, Heather loves attending live music concerts, producing and acting in short films and taking weekend trips to Disneyland!

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