Supplier Diversity Statement


We value global diversity throughout our organization and supply chain. Applied is committed to selecting diverse suppliers whose products and services meet our high standards and enable us to meet customer requirements. In 2017, we established a Supplier Diversity program to enhance the role diversity plays in our supplier selection process. In 2018, we expanded the program to other geographic areas where we operate within the U.S., extending our ability to actively support suppliers at a local level through our Supplier Diversity initiatives. The Supplier Diversity program is currently focused on U.S. suppliers, but we plan to expand our program globally.

With our supplier diversity program as one of the main pillars of SuCCESS2030, we have committed to increasing our diverse spend by at least 2% year on year, through both existing and newly onboarded diverse suppliers. In addition, we are partnering with existing suppliers to pursue their diversity certifications through the National Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NMSDC) and Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).